
Our Hero Slobberdog!

Monday, May 24, 2010


Hey guys! Please can we have more followers?

Thank you Sallie for your message. We were so happy we laughed and said … Yeah we wanna come back!  But Mom says we have to wait till we earn some money. But she doesn’t know how much it is to come back.

So, here is the news from last week:

Last Sunday night, I had already brushed my teeth and said my prayers and was just dozing off to sleep, when suddenly my eyes sprang open. YIKES! I had forgotten to pump. We have to pump our water up to the house from the borehole. If we don’t pump, we don’t have water in the morning. Then I am in big trouble, because it's my job. Especially with my biggest brother, Rhys. He can be very mean. So, I was so scared because it was pitch dark outside.  But then I thought that my brother, Kay was going to come with me. But he said … “I am not going to the pump! Forget it!” So I went.  I stepped one foot outside and heard a voice say “Kill that boy!”  I screamed and ran to my Mom and asked if I could use the big torch.  By then my brother Benjamin came to my Mom's room laughing his head off.  He was the one who said “Kill that boy!”  I actually wanted to kill HIM!

I called my other brother, Erin and he came to pump with me. We were so scared that we went passed the security guard and asked him if he would come with us. He said yes, and so he walked with us.  Erin was very scared, so I was piggy-backing him.  I got very tired because he was shivering and his teeth were chattering on my neck. But then he got too heavy. So I said, “You weigh a ton, Erin. Get off my back!” So Erin got off. All of a sudden I felt some wiggly woggly smooth warmish something under my foot. Then the security guard told us to jump to the other side and shine the torch on the floor. When we did, we saw the rinkals! A rinkals is a poisoness South African snake.

I got so scared!  Erin was terrified!  But he didn't say anything.  He just stood there with big eyes.  But I was jumping and wanted to jump on the Security Guard’s back. I was screaming “Pick me up! Pick me up! Oh my God, pick me up!”  But the Security Guard said, “Get off me.  I am not going to pick you up.” So he shouted and called the other Security Guard. The two of them killed the snake with a fire stick.

Because we were so terrified, we did not want to go forward to pump.  The security guard said “Go home. I will pump for you.” So we ran home so fast.  I fell down on the ground once or twice, but I was up again in no time.  We flew home.  I was so glad when I shut that door behind.  I thanked God so many times for saving my life!

The next day Mommy said I should see if the snake is still there.  She wanted to take a picture for Slobberdogblog!  Here it is:

My news is very sad.  I haven't been able to think about anything else since it happened.

I have a friend at school, his name is Jonathan. He is quite a naughty boy and he is not a real close friend. Last week Friday he brought a bottle of alcohol to school. We are not allowed to do that. I saw steam coming out of his hair and he was being silly and weird. Everybody was laughing at him and he was making silly jokes. When my teacher called his name, he said, “I am not Jonathan. I am Jonathan’s twin.”

I asked my teacher if I could go to the bathroom. I was walking on the corridor back from the bathroom. I saw my friend, Jonathan, falling down the stairs. I asked him “Jonathan, what’s wrong?” Then I saw blood on the side of his mouth and on his eye. When I looked up I saw his huge Dad coming down the stairs looking very angry at me.

I thought he was going to hurt me, so I ran and hid behind the wall. Then I saw his father taking Jonathan and hitting him against the wall.  It made me so scared and sorry for Jonathan.

When we got home I told Mommy the story. Mommy was very sad and had tears in her eyes.  She said: “You see, my son. Sometimes it is better not to have a father at all, than to have a bad father.”

So I told Mom that I will never ever be a bad father like that.

I didn't go to school today.  I have an ear infection.

Saturday, May 15, 2010



Guess what our big news is today? Our birthday is in 12 days! Wahooo! Then we are going to be 11! IMAGINE! I am going to bowling with 4 friends and Pippa. I have a long list of things that I want. Mom doesn’t buy them all. Only what she can afford. But she does her best. After bowling I am going to Panarotti for pizza. I love pizza. It is my most favourite food in the whole world. Only you can never eat pizza near to Slobberdog because he will take it away from you for sure. It is also HIS favourite food, especially the bacon one. If we are having pizza for a meal, he tries to find an open door somewhere and keeps coming in. He likes to go straight to the toddlers table because they are small and his best victims.


I am going to Spur. We are going to have lots of fun. I am also taking 4 friends and my Mom will be the river. I will be taking West, my 'uncle', Thabang and Erin my brothers, and Amy my sister.
Plus ..
On the 29th of May our friend, Belinda Peters is throwing a Soccer Ball. Then I will be singing on stage. The Soccer Ball is not a Soccer Ball, but a Soccer Dance. It’s usually called the Spring Ball, or the Winter Ball, but because of the World Cup, Belinda is calling it the Soccer Ball, which is very cool!

This year I am going to sing “The Boy Who Has Everything!”. My Mom loves to hear me singing that song. She says I have a real good voice.

Well, I also have a very good voice. Last year I sang “We Are The Young”. Shoshanna taught it to me.  But I was very nervous and coughed. Mom said, not to worry, it was only stage fright. But my big sister, Pippa, says I should not sing on stage this year because I embarrassed her. I am very sad, but it’s okay. My brother should have the spotlight this year.

Belinda has asked us all to make flags of the countries that are playing in the World Cup. I am choosing Chile. My brother, Kieran is choosing America.


I chose America because I have a lot of great friends in America. Alicia, Sallie, But I have much more friends in England. Becky Johnson, Hannah Johnson, Pippa Hartridge, Mairi, Hannah Clarke, Hannah Dobson, Lucy Dobson. Actually we have friends all over the world. I can’t remember all their names right now. But there is also Travaughna and Taqueesha. They are in Canada. We love them so very much. They are like our big sisters. By the way, Travaughna, we did get your beautiful parcel and we loved everything in it. And Mom says you have become FOLLOWERS on our blog. That's so cool!

Actually, I don’t think I will go to the Soccer Ball this year.


Well, I will pray to God that JAY will come.


OK. I will try my best to come then. I might help my brother if he makes a mistake or coughs and gets stage fright. So I should be there I suppose.


My Mom had an Afghan Hound called Gandalf the Grey. He was grey. She loved him so much. But the problem was he was biting our visitors. We tried everything. We tied him up. We locked him up at Postinia. But Afghans are very disobedient dogs and he always got out of his punishment. Finally he started biting Mommy’s poor people and she got very cross with Gandalf. She loves her poor people with all her heart. When she used to shout at Gandalf, Slobberdog used to shout at him too, and bark and growl at him.

One day Gandalf bit the milkman and the milkman was very angry and told Mommy he was going to tell the Police. So Mommy promised him that she would do something about it that same day. She decided to take him to the vet and put him down. She had tried many things, even putting up adverts and asking friends to find a new home for him. But nobody wants a dog that bites.

So Mommy called Rhys (our biggest brother) and asked him to take her to the vet with Gandalf. She didn’t think she could drive home after he was put down. She was crying when she got Gandalf in the bakkie. When Slobberdog saw that she was crying, he jumped on the bakkie with Gandalf. He knew that something bad was happening.

Then all the other dogs; Khali the poodle, Basher the Sausage Dog, Dakota the Alsation and Sasko the Pyrenean Mountain Dog, all got on the bakkie too. They would not get off because Slobberdog is their leader.

So they all went to the vet. They waited on the bakkie and the bad thing was done to Gandalf. Mommy cried and cried all the way home. She locked herself in her bedroom for two days and cried. We all felt very sad. Actually, even while we are telling this story right now our hearts are very sore.


Yes, very sore. And when that happened, I was very confused. I thought everybody was lying because Mom would never ever kill Gandalf. But then I found out it was the truth because Mommy admitted it. I was so disappointed and depressed. I loved Gandalf too much. Even if he bit people I don’t think he should have been killed. If I had my own house I would have taken him and been his owner. But now it’s too late. It's really true. Slobberdog knows things.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Howzit World!

We wanted to start a website but our friend said we should rather do a blog. A blog is easy compared to a website so we are making a blog. It’s very exciting. My brothers are helping us and my mother will check our grammar and spelling, but it is our own work mainly.

My name is … mmm … well we did decide that we would rather not give our proper names until we feel safe. A lot of people know our family and we don’t want my Mom to get into trouble because of us. We are twin brothers and we are 10 years old. Soon we will be 11. You can call me Jay and my brother Kay.

We are going to try to tell you about our life here every day. We have a very big and special family. Slowly as the days go on we will tell you about each one of our family members, as they do great things and sometimes stupid things and sometimes very funny things.

When you see the blue writing, you will know that it is me (ummmm Kay). Just remember I am the blue person who matches the blue writing. Jay is the other one, the red one. You will see his picture at the top. To begin with, we will post our pictures until you get used to who's who in the zoo!


Slobberdog rules! We all love our slobberdog because he loves us, his family! He especially loves Zoë (our big sister) and thinks she is his wife. Zoë is the girl in the picture with him. We took that picture on New Year's Eve. Zoë likes to skip with a skipping rope but when she does he thinks she is beating herself up or something and runs into the rope so that she can't skip. He barks and yelps and tells her off. If she locks him behind a gate he yells and barks and cries becuase he's so sure she is hurting herself. Now, when she skips she has to go down to Postinia (a little cottage) while he is not looking. Then she can skip in peace!

You may have noticed that Slobberdog is huge. He weighs 90 Kgs. I think he can be very scary because he can knock you over. He knocks me over a lot. He can even knock a grown-up over. He can even knock MY MOTHER over. One day he stood on her foot and she couldn't move. She was pushing and shoving and crying (because it was so sore) and shouting but he stayed where he was. Looking up at her and very worried. He thought she was in trouble but he didn't know it was about the foot.

But he will never bite people ... I don't think so. Well, he wouldn't kill you THAT WAY. But his farts certainly could kill you! He likes to sleep in the office. If you walk past the office and notice all the ladies are outside and Slobberdog is inside, that's because he farted. If you look in the office you will see him there, lying on his side with a big Slobberdog smile on his face. He can be VERY evil!

Now we are going to try to post this blog and publish it. It's exciting but we already tried many times and it didn't work. We will try again ... so we are saying our prayers.