
Our Hero Slobberdog!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Before we tell you the news today, we want to show you something ~ this is the house where we live.

And we also want to give you a big surprise and show you how many people are in our family:

And this is our very big, very cool, Jarvis family!

Anybody would be happy to have a big family like this!

These are the brothers and sister who are in the same school, called Aloe Ridge Primary: 

Except the picture is one year old, so Murphy is missing. She was in Frances Vorwerg last year, the same school as Paul. But she caught up so nicely, that she managed to come to our school at the beginning of this year.

Here are the brothers when we were little, and below is the picture of the same brothers, when they are bigger.
Back row:
Matthew, Reuel, Tommy, Joshua holding Kay and Jay in high chair.
Middle row:
Brett, Brendon, Erin and Benjamin
Front row:
Carlton and Crispin

There are many more brothers than this now ... smaller ones.

Remember we went to Lynette last week. It was so cool! We didn’t manage to take any pictures though. That’s a pity because her house is fantastic. Anyway, on the first night, Lynette said that we must all go to sleep, so we all went to sleep. A little bit early in the morning Jay woke up when it was still dark. He was standing by the cupboard in Lynette’s room and waiting for Lynette to wake up. He was poking her with his finger, saying – Lynette wake up, Lynette wake up! I think that was a bit rude, actually!  She kept saying go to sleep Jay … it’s not morning until its light.

Eventually it was light, then she woke up and the two of them went to eat breakfast while me a Benjamin were sleeping. Then we heard this ding-ding-ding – trying to play happy birthday. That was Jay. Then I woke up and asked who was making that noise. Amy (Lynette’s daughter) said the same thing. We realized it was Jay.

I went to eat my egg. I always have egg in the morning. After that we went to the movies and watched Marmaduke. Then we went to a restaurant and had pizza. It was so yummy. I love pizza. I was listening to music on Amy’s ipod and playing with Dean’s guitar. Dean is Lynette’s son. He and Amy and brother are sister. I went to play Lego and the others were all watching Twilight.

Since Kay has told you about Lynette I will tell you about the rest of the week. On Tuesday all of us big kids went to the movies. We watched Twilight Eclipse. The third Twilight movie. It was so awesome when Jacob took off his shirt! And he said this to Edward … (with his hands on his hips) he said … I’M HOTTER! And then all the girls screamed and they said – Jacob my d-a-r-l-i-n-g!  LOL!  I loved that movie! Twilight is my favourite … I am a great fan. It was the best movie I ever saw. Then we ate popcorn and Astros and drank Coke. The movies are the best thing in the whole wide world!

We were all very sad when Ghana lost the World Cup Soccer against Uraquay. Because they are African we all hoped they would win! That was so bad. We all felt sad because we really wanted them to win. My Mom was so excited she was sure they would at least get through to the quarter finals. They played so well and we think it’s a pity that they had to do the penalty shootout because that’s what made them lose when the guy did a handball on purpose.

I love soccer. I am midfielder in my soccer at school. I scored 7 goals against another school and that was awesome. All the fans were saying “GO JAY! GO JAY!” It made my heart feel so good.

My Mom said to me when I am thirteen I will be very wise. That’s because I like to read a lot. And plus I had a dream that if I listened to my teachers and do what my Mom tells me to do, I will be very, very wise. Wiser than anybody in my school. Imagine!

I know how to fry an egg now. That’s great because I don’t have to ask Tommy or somebody to do it for me. Once when I was little I always thought that I would do something super-amazing or make some kind of miracle that was a great happening that has never happened on the earth before. I thought of that, but it hasn’t come true yet. If it did, I would wish that I could make everything go back to normal. I mean like back to the old days like when I was small. When my Mom first saw me. Because these days aren’t so good sometimes. I loved the days when I was small because I didn’t have so many worries. I didn’t have to do anything except play.

It wasn’t necessary to think so much about things. About what’s right and what’s wrong. What’s fair and not fair. Why people have to suffer and why so many people are hungry. Why some people have too much and some people don’t have enough. I think about those things all the time and try to figure out ways of fixing things. But the world is too big to fix, I think. And too bad. That’s why I wish I could be a small kid again, like I was in this picture.  I am on the right and Jay is behind me on the left.

But the thing is, even when I was so small I couldn’t play very well because I couldn’t walk or move around lots like the other kids of my age. Even when I started school, I had to be pushed down to the school in a pram. When I was quite little and still sleeping in a cot, I used to throw my toys or my bottle out of the cot and then I asked Jay to pick it up for me, and he would climb right out of his cot to pick it up for me. We can both remember that. My Mom thinks it’s amazing that we remember that because we were just small babies.

Slobberdog is still not feeling too well. We took some small red ticks off him. Some people say the small red ticks are the ones that give animals and human tick fever. I am very worried about him. He looks depressed. When he is older I am going to take him to my house with my mother because I want her to live with me. My Mom and Slobberdog are stars to me. They protect me and make me feel happy. Without Mommy I wouldn’t be alive. I can always count on Mommy whenever I feel sad I call for her and she is always there for me. I will fight for her until her heart stops beating.

My brother Kay has always been there for me too. Our Dad and Mom made us because we were special. My Mom and Dad knew that one day God was going to make us something special that nobody has ever been before so that our adopted Mom will feel so proud of us. And we would hug her every day. And we will make her feel happy. She will see her grandchildren (my children) and I am happy that God made her in this world. She makes the world a better place.

I think Slobberdog is about 5 years old. In dog years that’s 7 X 5 = 35. So that is still quite young for a dog. LOL LOL.

One of our dogs who died was called Tequila. He was very old when he died. He was about 11 years old. I cried for him when he died. He died in pain. He was Rhys’ dog actually. But in my heart he was also a bit like mine. Every day he would lick me and walk with me around the farm and when anybody was threatening me he would be watching them. I loved Tequila a lot! We buried under the nut trees next to the duck pond. Every time I walk past there I see a huge big stone, and I know that that is where Tequila is resting. He is in peace in doggy-heaven.

My favourite dog that died was Iceman. He was also an Afghan but he was blonde. He was my favourite dog. I always liked walking with him. He was very big. I would hold onto his long hair or tail while we walked. He loved me very much too, and used to sit on the grass with me and keep after me when I was still small.

My Mom doesn’t believe me that I went with her to go and fetch him. She thinks I would have been too small to remember. But I do remember. It was a day when I was small and I couldn’t go to the shops with Mom because it was my ‘standby’. Because we have so many brothers and sisters we used to have standby. When it was your standby day you had to stay very neat and clean and then when somebody was going out in the car to the shops or something, you could go with them.

So it was my standby and that was why I could go and we went to fetch him, but I didn’t know that that was where we were going. Then the lady told my Mom the story of when Iceman was with this other owner that man was always beating and hitting him. This happened because the lady and the man were getting a divorce and Iceman belonged to the lady and the man did not like Iceman. So that lady called and asked Daria to fetch Iceman and we went in the red combi to fetch him.

I remember that they were bathing him and brushed him and he looked beautiful. I took that leash thing on his neck and Mom was doing this – come Iceman – come Iceman in her sweetest voice, and she was patting her knee to make him come. I said come Iceman too. I copied her sweet voice and patted my knees and Iceman came. So he sat in the back of the red Combi with me and as soon as we got home our other dog, Cassidy tried to bite him because she was jealous. So I chased her away. In those days my Dad was still at home. Iceman didn’t like my Dad and he tried to bite him.  My Mom says its because the other lady's husband used to beat him.

Every time when Iceman was sitting in my Mom’s room and my Mom wasn’t there but working on her computer, I took the leash and I put it on him and then we went outside and I would be walking around the house with him. As soon as my Mom came in she would say – where’s Iceman and I would say I went to walk him.

One day Iceman got out of the gate and he was following Sasko. And they were walking and walking and they went on the tar road. The tar road is much more busy than the sand road next to the farm. Iceman didn’t know about busy roads and so when Sasko, our white mountain dog, ran away from him, Iceman got a bit lost. So then Sasko came home, but Iceman didn’t. My Mom was crying and praying for Iceman to come home. She phoned the SPCA and put adverts up everywhere but nobody knew what happened to Iceman.

Then when Pippa was taking Zoe to university very early one morning she saw something that looked like Iceman on the side of the road. But she couldn't see properly because it was still a bit dark.  So she called Mom and Mom came with her car and with Reuel and Joshua. Then she saw that Iceman was dead. Reuel and Joshua picked up Iceman and put him into the boot and Mommy did not drive for a while because she was crying too much.

Then she came home and Abraham and Colin dug a grave for Iceman next to the old duck pond. We were all standing around and watched them putting Iceman into the grave and we were all so sad. Then we were all crying, because Iceman was dead and Mom was broken hearted. Even Abraham and Colin were crying. And Mommy said a prayer and then we all went inside and were very quiet all because of Iceman.

Before we say goodbye, I want to tell you something awesome that happened to me.  I discovered poetry.  I was very bored you see, because of the long holidays for the World Cup.  So Mom bought all these cool books for us and we were reading them a lot.  I finished them all now.  But the ones I liked best were the Hannah Montana ones.  So, I found these kind of word things like songs that rhymed and the words were so cool.  I started reading one to Mom and she said ... that's beautiful, Jay.  That's called Poetry!

Wow! What a cool word.  Poetry!  P-o-e-t-r-y!  It has to stand for something cool because its an awesome word, don't you think?  Well, Mom also likes poetry and she knew about it for a long time already.  So she likes it when I read the poetry to her.  And we can talk about it.  She likes words too, just like me.  And she says she thinks that Jesus also likes words.  After all, she says, he BECAME one!

Anyway, I want to share this most favourite of my poems with you today.  It was one that is in the Hannah Montana book.  Here it is:

I see you there in front of me –
Your face, your hands, your eyes.
I hear you talk, I hear you tell
Your hopes, your dreams, your lies.

I walked with you, a sunlit trail,
Together hand in hand.
Then twilight came, and you were gone,
And now alone I stand.

The woods are cold, the trees are black,
The dark is closing in
And you have gone away from me,
Your faultless light has dimmed.

Betrayal is an empty space,
Raw night, cold room, alone.
And no one can redeem your face,
Sweet knight, safe light, you’re gone.

So, it's bye from the two of us for now.  Hope you liked our stories.  If you do like poetry I will share some with you again, because I love it so much.  But if you don't think its cool, I will just keep it to myself.  Bye for now! And please don't forget that we think its cool when you become FOLLOWERS!

Yes, and bye from me too.  We love doing these stories.  It makes us feel good.  So, we are very happy to have friends who are interested.  My Mom told us that there is a whole classroom of kids that read our stories.  It is Emma Underwood's class.  That's so cool.  HI CLASS!

God bless you all from Kay.

1 comment:

  1. I love all the family photos especially the new one of the soccer picture. Kieran I believe that you WILL become part of a miracle. I pray every night for God to heal your heart and I know he will. You are such a special compassionate little man. I also pray fo you every night Jesse. Jesse you are so wise and you are a born leader. I pray that God will lead you both to do wonderful things in your lifetime. Hugs to both of you and mommy!
